General Knowledge

Significance of 26th November in the Country’s Polity

It was on 26th November 1949 the Constitution of India came into existence but on 26th January 1950, is when the Constitution of India came into effect and gave the hopes to our country to move forward with proper direction. 26th November is the day to remember our great leaders who struggled to frame our Constitution.

The Constitution contained a Preamble, 395 Articles, and 8 Schedules, it is the largest written constitution in the world till now.

Let’s see the history behind the creation of our Constitution.

As we all know after Independence a lot of decisions had to be taken in order to take the country forward wherein the political party congress was active to takeover the issues and build the foundation for future.

It was the time to draft a Constitution just like other countries had, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, said to Mahatma Gandhi that we need an International Constitutional expert to chair the committee that will draft the Indian Constitution. To which Gandhi did not agree and he suggested Dr. B.R. Ambedkar to chair the committee because he had the Ph.D.’s from the topmost universities and legal minded.

Some congressmen said but Ambedkar is not a congressman and he makes critics in many decisions of congress, then Gandhi replied we are not making the Constitution for congress we are making it for India.

This incident tells us how important was Indian Constitution and how much care it has been taken to draft our Constitution.

What was the purpose of the Constitution and Why India Needed it?

Indian civilization is one of the oldest civilizations that existed on this planet with rich diversity and heritage. India is a unique country in the world that has produced the finest arts, culture, inventions, science and technology, and many more. But still, apart from its achievements India suffered from colonial exploitation and other kinds of problems.

On 1947, India got freedom from British colonialism through our great freedom fighters struggle with lot of sacrifices. We finally got freedom, but now tit was the time to plan what next?

Our society was deprived in many aspects and was suffering from poverty and inequality. The task was to overcome all these problems and a strong political nation-state. The Constitution was the only solution that enables the transformation of the country from that current state to a modern democratic state.

Constitution of India was the stepping stone to achive the progress of every individual. The Constitution was drafted keeping in the mind to respect the diversity along with justice and equality.

Why Our Constitution is so lengthy?

The main reason the Constitution did not contain only the provisions of the Union of India, it also incorporates the provisions of Union states. The addition contains 3 sets of provisions described in depth such as the sections of Fundamental Rights, Directive Principles of state policy, and Fundamental duties.

Fundamental Rights and Directive Principles are addressed to the state whereas Fundamental duties introduced in late 1976 with the amendment made by Indira Gandhi.


The significance of the day 26th November does not come from the pages written in the Indian Constitution it comes when the people of India including the political system follow the rules and regulations and obey the law by implementing the same mentioned in the Constitution. For any change to bring in the constitution we do it through amendments but the basic principles will remain the same.

"Follow Your Passion" I am a professional blogger, my aim is to help millions of readers to get the right information at the right time.

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