Unknown Facts

Einstein’s Brain Was Stolen And Chopped Up Into Tiny Pieces

Einstein was born on March 14, 1879, in Germany and known for the development of the general theory of relativity, E = mc2,  and the law of the photoelectric effect, one of the genius physicists who won Nobel-prize.

Before dying, Einstein was instructed to incinerate his body and to disperse his ashes secretly…

He never wanted his body to be studied by anyone, On April 18, 1955, he died at Princeton Hospital, New Jersey, and was 76 years old. He suffered internal bleeding caused by the rupture of his artery.

Doctors told him that only surgery could have saved his life but Einstein said:

It’s tasteless to prolong life artificially. I want to go when I want to. I have played my part, now I will do it elegantly.

Today everyone is curious to know the last words of his life, the fact is he said something in his native language German but the nurse couldn’t recall what he said because she doesn’t know the German language.

A pathologist, Thomas Harvey, was called to examine his body, but you will be surprised to know what happened! He extracted Einstein’s brain without his family’s permission and ran away.

First, Harvey checked the brain weight, it had 1230 grams and then dissected into several pieces, which he kept in jars in his basement for 40 years.

After 40 years, he introduced himself and gave the brain to scientists, In total 46 pieces of Einstein’s brain were acquired. At present, it is exhibited in the Mutter Museum.

Einstein's Brain Was Stolen And Chopped Up
(Image source: historyextra)

Many studies have shown that Einstein’s brain is unique and different from a normal person’s.

His brain was missing a wrinkle, parietal operculum. Hence, the size of his lower parietal lobe was increased by 20%.

Due to his mathematical skills and ability to imagine things significantly improved.

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On further examination, scientists were surprised to discover that there were 17% more neurons in Einstein’s brain compared to a normal person. This means that more synapses were fired in his brain, which gives him more brainpower.

Then we can say that, apart from his love for science and maths, he was lucky to be abnormal.

Scientists hope that future technology will help us to understand Einstein’s brain in a better way.

"Follow Your Passion" I am a professional blogger, my aim is to help millions of readers to get the right information at the right time.

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